Easy Collaboration in the Field
Telepresenz – What is it?
Working in the field means having to account for a broad range of changing work conditions and problems. If these changes go beyond the familiar, teams must collaborate to find the right strategy to get back on track – this is where Telepresenz comes in.
Telepresenz enables remote, real-time access to top-level expertise when you need it most. For mission-critical situations or any scenario that depends on a fast, accurate resolution, there is no better way to connect.
Telepresenz – What can it do?
Designed uniquely for the field, Telepresenz enables the experts to see what the field staff can see.
Using either Telepresenz range of industrial wearable headsets or your smartphone, you can turn any work environment into a virtual whiteboard with augmented reality annotation tools.
This goes well beyond conventional videoconference-based collaboration platforms and enables easy, effective, remote collaboration.
Remote experts and teams in the field experience a more unified and collaborative experience and can get virtually hands-on with projects and equipment.
Screen sharing with live annotations can be conducted one-to-one or one-to-many and all users can share documents, images, videos and 3D images in real-time.
Easy to use, workflow management tools add another layer to the Telepresenz experience with job assignment tools and status tracking adding to the overall workflow automation platform.
Augmented Reality
The true power of Telepresenz is harnessing the latest imaging and collaboration tools to deliver augmented reality – effectively positioning remote experts on-site using screens, smart glasses, headsets and other cutting-edge technology.
IIoT data overlays enable viewing of additional data about equipment or products with overlaid visuals for better insights and communication with your team in the field.
PDM visualisations integrate with product data management frameworks for data input and visuals to give your team more insights on the job.
Whats Next?
Available natively on all mobile devices, the Telepresenz platform offers quick access to advanced augmented reality, workflow automation and other collaborative tools. Your remote experts equipped with hands-free one-to-one and one-to-many video conferencing can offer direction and practical expertise from anywhere in the world.
Call your CSL sales engineer on 0800 288 423 or click here to discover how Telepresenz can deliver real time effective collaboration to your staff, projects and work-sites.